We are experiencing an outage on the USA Value network. This is due to a router issue. The network admin is working on it but its going to take a little time to get it back online. I don’t have a solid time frame for when this issue will be resolved.
Updates will follow.
Servers are starting to come back online. It may take a little while for everything to be completely back to normal while the routing sorts itself out.
There are still a few issues with routing that need to be ironed out – you may find that streams are working for some locations and not others.
I’m monitoring the servers very closely but it looks like they are back online and pretty much back to normal now and have been for the last 5-10 minutes.
You might still experience some small amounts of buffering for a few minutes due to the amount of traffic but it will calm down if it hasn’t already.
If there are any further problems then this topic will be updated.