We will be making software updates on all AutoDJ servers* in preparation for the new playlist/scheduling system.

No downtime or outages are expected as a result of the updates, however there will be an ‘at risk’ period, as with any update, there is a small chance of unforeseen problems.

At Risk Period:

From 12AM GMT, 27th Feb 2012

To 5AM GMT, 27th Feb 2012

If any more maintenance needs completing after this window then it will also be posted here.

* Excludes USA5-ADJ as this is already updated


We are making some changes to the mailing list and need to delete all of the emails that are currently registered. Service updates were previously hosted on the same WordPress site. This resulted in 1000s of email addresses being hosted on the mailing list which has started to slow down delivery of important announcements – sometimes by several hours.

If you are using any of the following services then please re-subscribe your email address at http://status.bellonline.co.uk/mailing-list/

Web Hosting, Shoutcast, AutoDJ, Transcoding, Dedicated Servers (you can view a full list of categories on the site)

If you are using FreeStreamHosting.org then please don’t sign up for this mailing list, you will be sent another email shortly with further instructions.

As before, you will be sent a link to confirm your subscription and choose the categories you’d like to sign up to.

We recommend that you choose updates for the server(s) that you are hosted on to avoid receiving emails that don’t affect your service. If you are unsure about which server(s) you are on then please open a support ticket and we will be happy to get the information for you.


Bell Online Ltd- http://status.bellonline.co.uk/

Hurricane Irene is currently approaching the NYC metro area where some of our servers are located. Earlier this week the datacentre took precautions for the storm including testing UPSs and generators, topping off their diesel generator tanks and notifying their fuel vendors in case of extended power outages. staffing levels at the datacentre will be increased this weekend to ensure adequate coverage in case of emergencies.

Hopefully, service won’t be affected by this but please be assured that the datacentre staff are on high alert in case of any problems.

This is an automatic notification.

Our monitoring system has detected that UK1-ADJ is currently down.

Staff have already been notified of the outage and will look in to the issue shortly.

DOWN at Oct 18 2010 01:25 PM (EU/Western)
Err: ping: request timeout

This is an automatic notification.

Our monitoring system has detected that UK1-ADJ is currently down.

Staff have already been notified of the outage and will look in to the issue shortly.

DOWN at Oct 02 2010 01:00 AM (EU/Western)
Err: ping: request timeout