This is an automatic notification.

Our monitoring system has detected that USA1-ADJ is currently down.

Staff have already been notified of the outage and will look in to the issue shortly.

2012 06:29 PM (EU/Western) Err: ping: request timeout

Thank you for your patience, UK2-PN is now back up and running.

This server is on the Premium Network. If you have been affected by this outage, then please contact us before the 7th of next month as you may be entitled to compensation under our Service Level Agreement.

UK2-PN.MIXSTREAM.NET ( UP at May 29 2012
11:04 PM (EU/Western) Was down for: 55min

Sorry about the late notice, but you may experience some short intermittent issues for a few minutes due to datacentre maintenance.

This should only affect uk2-pn and uk3-pn.

If your server is affected then please don’t open a support ticketĀ  as it will come back to normal shortly.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for your patience, UK3-PN is now back up and running.

This server is on the Premium Network. If you have been affected by this outage, then please contact us before the 7th of next month as you may be entitled to compensation under our Service Level Agreement.

UK3-PN.MIXSTREAM.NET ( UP at May 29 2012
10:15 PM (EU/Western) Was down for: 05min

This is an automatic notification.

Our monitoring system has detected that UK2-PN is currently down.

Staff have already been notified of the outage and will look in to the issue shortly.

UK2-PN.MIXSTREAM.NET ( DOWN at May 29 2012
10:09 PM (EU/Western) Err: ping: request timeout

Just added new Geo Lock feature to the Premium Network streaming service so you can now limit which countries can listen to your stream. Anyone outside of the authorised countries will see a message explaining that the service is not available in their country.

If you want to use this then log in to the panel at, and you will see a new Geo Lock link under your server settings. As this is an advanced service, we don’t plan to add it to Value Network servers just yet.

We will be making software updates on all AutoDJ servers* in preparation for the new playlist/scheduling system.

No downtime or outages are expected as a result of the updates, however there will be an ‘at risk’ period, as with any update, there is a small chance of unforeseen problems.

At Risk Period:

From 12AM GMT, 27th Feb 2012

To 5AM GMT, 27th Feb 2012

If any more maintenance needs completing after this window then it will also be posted here.

* Excludes USA5-ADJ as this is already updated