This is an automatic notification.

Our monitoring system has detected that UK2-PN is currently down.

Staff have already been notified of the outage and will look in to the issue shortly.

DOWN at Jul 19 2010 01:44 PM (EU/Western)
Err: ping: request timeout

Thank you for your patience, UK2-PN is now back up and running.

This server is on the Premium Network. If you have been affected by this outage, then please contact us before the 7th of next month as you may be entitled to compensation under our Service Level Agreement.

UP at Jul 16 2010 12:14 AM (EU/Western)
Was down for: 05min

This is an automatic notification.

Our monitoring system has detected that UK2-PN is currently down.

Staff have already been notified of the outage and will look in to the issue shortly.

DOWN at Jul 16 2010 12:09 AM (EU/Western)
Err: ping: request timeout

In relation to the previous post, the outage was caused by power loss that was experienced at BlueSquare datacentre. This affected uk2-pn stream server as well as one of out DNS servers so a small number of people may have experienced outages on the website due to lack of DNS (including websites of customers that use as one of their nameservers.

All is back to normal now.

For some reason, uk2-pn restarted itself today. The server had previously been online for almost 2 years with no problems so this came as quite a surprise. The server is now back online and I am looking in to the cause of the outage.

UPDATE: This was caused by a short power interruption.