I am pleased to announce that MixStream now supports streaming to Blackberry users with no need for additional plugins or complicated instructions – your listeners can now tune in on their Blackberry at the click of a link.

To test the system, please open your Blackberry browser and navigate to this page. When you click on the following link, it will open up the Blackberry player and play a 24k Shoutcast stream:


This service is now available on all Premium Shoutcast accounts and will soon be rolled out to Value Shoutcast and possibly free services.

To access your Blackberry stream, please use the following link format:

http://[SERVER ID].mixstream.net/[PORT].sdp

I am also looking in to adding more features for mobile users as mobile technology is becoming more advanced and a lot of station owners are keen on making it as easy as possible to provide streaming content to their users.

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