Apologies to anyone on uk1-pn, a maintenance notification was supposed to be sent out last week. The server is being moved to a new rack, the message from the DC is as follows:

We are pleased to announce that this rack will soon be moving to our new facility, RapidSwitch Spectrum House (RSH). This facility has been completed after 18 months of development. The site has been up and running for several months now, while we have completed final tests for production readiness. It provides state-of-the-art power and cooling systems as well as the excellent network performance you expect from RapidSwitch. The network capacity is considerably enhanced over the current site you are in.

Rack D5 in RapidSwitch Hosting Centre – North Side will be moving on 20/08/2009. The move will occur during a window from 22:00 on 20/08/2009 and 05:00 on 21/08/2009. Your server will be powered down, packaged and transported to the new facility. During the move we take responsibility for the safety of your equipment, but our insurance does not cover data loss or consequential losses – so we recommend you take backups of your data as a precaution. There will be information about a free service to assist backups which will be sent in an additional message. At the new site it will be re-racked into a pre-prepared environment and checks made by our technicians that connectivity is restored.

Date: 20/08/2009
Window: 22:00 for 7 hours
Duration: < 2 hours If you would like your server to be powered down gracefully using a soft power off, please log in to the MyServers interface at https://myservers.rapidswitch.com. From here you can enter root/Administrator login details for each of your servers, or provide su details if you prefer. Prior to the move our technicians will go through each server and try to use the credentials we have to log in and power off from within the operating system. If you do not provide login details the servers will be hard powered off using the power button. If you do not already make use of the monitoring feature in the MyServers interface, we strongly advise adding this to your servers prior to any moves. It is a free service and can be used to test for a range of different criteria, from physical links on the switchport, through standard ICMP echo (ping) to active TCP connections on a specific port. To access monitoring, click on the "MyServers" tab and select the server you want to add monitoring to. On the right hand menu, select 'Monitoring'. Our technicians use the monitoring results to check for servers that might not have come back up straight away. We always aim to be as proactive as possible in the event of a problem, but we need your assistance in setting appropriate measures to identify them.

UPDATE: The server is now back online. All Shoutcast streams should be back on, but in the unlikely event of your stream not starting back up automatically, please log in and restart it. If this fails then open a ticket so that it can be checked.